Monday, June 24, 2019

Star Bubble Aura

~ Sponsor Items ~
[Cinnamon Cocaine]-Star Bubble Aura
You are now able to turn your auras on and off with the following commands!
 /auraon and /auraoff
 If you ever lose your aura drop it use ctrl + alt + T in order to highlight transparent objects.
To adjust your product use the same process and edit it around.
To adjust your crown, please touch it and select object. Use -5 or -10 in order to bring it in closer to your head.
If you have a problem with glow being too bright or soft, adjust accordingly in Preferences> Graphics> Rendering 
Find Render glow checked, and adjust the strength.
Since this is a large particle pack I suggest increasing the max particle count in your graphics. Some may go invisible otherwise due to particle priorities.

~Extra Credits ~
Daria Bikini-@Rebellious Rose
AG Lucent Eyes-Amber-@avi Glam
Colivati Beauty Eyeshadow & Lipstick-@Colivati
Parker Hair W/out Hat-Blondes-@Truth
Hoop Earrings-Silver-@Punch

Golden Floatus Blue (poses included)-@Figure 8

Phototools-Moon Light 3

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